Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Clean white comfortable shoes.

The following is a remedy I have used over the years to overcome the after affects of Stomach virus. We all know the difficulty in replenishing fluids and nurishment as the virus subsides. To avoid expensive liquids and prolonged periods off of solid food I have simply prepared warm jello and drank it in 4 to 6 liq. ozs portions once or twice depending on severity of symptoms. The consistency coats and sooths the irritated lining of the digestive system while the mostly protein ingredients provides much needed nurishment to aid in healing. I recommend clean white comfortable shoes in this instance. If the shoe fits, wear it.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The choice footwear for this person is.."A Crock".

There is a belief system in our society that promotes open mindedness, caring, compassion, and progressive advancement for a targeted segment of the population. This belief system has a darker less publicised side. A side opponents make efforts to expose and are most often glossed over by the mainstream press and quickly brushed aside. This belief system is built around a practice in the medical community involving terms such as" D & X , D & E , viability, trimesters by the number". This belief system involves highly acclaimed researchers devoted to such achievements as developing applicable procedures to bypass current Hospital restrictions.The following is one such developed procedure to address a " late term" condition.

Dilate and pull through until only the head remains inside.Then using a sharp instrument, puncture the head,evacuate it, and compress so it to can be pulled through the dilated opening.
This description is not intended to be graphic, only informative. It is up to the individual reader to limit the picture to his/her level of comfort.

You will find members having this belief system in all segments of society, government, academia, clergy, your neighbor, your classmate, your coworker, your family members. They will argue "society segment rights" and "special cases" while avoiding the impact on humanity at large. We are truly a society in decline when we try to disguise intentional human destruction by shrouding it within volumes of legal technicality's.

The choice footwear for this person is.." A Crock."

Monday, April 12, 2010

They wear Open Toed Sandals

An often used expression in an argument is, " You don't have the right to tell me what to think." Analysis on the basis of "right" indicates a contradiction. That person assumes the "right" for themselves as they deny that same "right" to the other person. Such persons toes are easly stepped upon. They wear "open toed sandals".

Welcome to My Blog

I have started this Blog to share personal thoughts, observations, impressions, ideas, notions, humor and desires for my family, friends, associates, and my fellow Americans. Remember, If the shoe fits, wear it.